Le bâton de marche



"One hand, one million dollars, no tears."

"The best decisions he has made in his life, he said, were completely unexpected, the ones that cut against convention. Then he went even further. He said that every decision he has forced himself to make because it was unexpected has been a good one. That was refreshing to hear a case for unpredictability in this age of careful career planning. It would be nice if it were true."

- M. Lewis in Liar's Poker -

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Liens (thème : le sucre)

Techno, web... un mot qui monte : Sugar.

D'un côté : le réseau de weblogs people - mode - tv/ciné/autres - cuisine - "santé" - "geek" - humour - conseils - myspace-like, qui propage la culture US par delà les frontières (au secours).

De l'autre, l'operating system du (futur) ordinateur portable XO, du projet One Laptop Per Child (OLPC).

Et aussi bien sûr (est il utile de le rappeler), une blogueuse.

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